Dr. Draghescu Cornel "The good dentistry treatment starts with a careful consultation."
Implantology Periodontology Prosthodontia Therapy
Dental affections
Dentistry works
Appointments Feedback Contact

The address of C.M.I. Dr. Draghescu Cornel

  • Sos. Stefan cel Mare nr. 35, Bl.31, sc.2, ap.39, Bucharest, Romania.
You can take the following transportation means:
  • the buses 330 and 335;
  • the underground until the "Obor" station;
  • the trams 1, 10, 21 and 46;
  • the trolleybus 66.

contact information


  • +40 73 1668457.
contact form
contact form
contact form*
* all fields are mandatory;
is for messages from U.N.A.S, C.M.D.R, from companies within medical area as well as for patients of the dental office.For appointments visit the page "appointments" and for opinion and suggestions use the opinion form from the page "Feedback". Any promotional message or of other type from individuals persons or legal entities, of other type than those above mentioned, will be automaticaly erased.
Copyright © 2006-2025 CMI DR. DRAGHESCU CORNEL
Last modified: August 8th, 2024.

Web-site created by: Draghescu Radu